Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Yes- I cried!

OK- now-

So... I guess since everything is going okay, and I've only got two weeks to go on this stupid IV bag thingy, I think I'm finally stressing out about the last two months that I've endured... I've found that I'm kinda depressed and sad the last week or so- I think it may be something like Post Traumatic Stress syndrome, or something! I think everything is just hitting me now-I'm realizing what I've been through- and also- how far I've come! I'm just ready to be DONE with this all!!

Anyway- I've been carpooling with my roomie, and getting home around 5:30 or so has been SO NICE- because you actually have SOME time at home before it's dark out! Granted, I'm sure part of that reason is because it's almost summer time, and sunsets up here in the summer tend to be at 10PM! But still it's nice!

So- I come home yesterday and I was going to lay down and rest for a while- when I kept hearing music... and then drums, and it kept getting closer and closer... and CLOSER- and before I knew it- the Ballard High School Marching band was marching past my window!!! Haha. It was so cool- it brought back all kinds of memories of good times- with my friends and with the best music teacher Serrano ever saw- and lots of parades and trips all together with the crazy bunch!

So- I figure- well... I'm up- let me go run to the bank and get some milk, and maybe the band will be marching around still when I come back... I called Mom and told her what was happening (She was the Number 1 Band Mom when I was in school) and I got in the car and drove toward the band... I went down a few blocks so that Mom could hear it- and so I could enjoy it... and when I pulled over, I saw all kinds of kids and parents on their bikes, and kids roller skating, and RUNNING toward the band- I couldn't help but notice, though- a smiling dad and son on the corner. It was hard to tell who had the bigger smile, as the son sat happily on his dad's lap as dad kneeled down- This particular boy didn't have skates or a bike... he had Cerebral Palsy and needed Dad's help to get out and see the band. I watched the kids marching, and the music and the drum beat really brought back the memories- but what touched me more was the HUGE smile on the boy's face, as the band stopped and marched in place to finish up their song, just for him. Oh yeah- was I ever CRYING then!

Needless to say- Music touches everyone. Of all kinds. And it's amazing to realize how just 2 minutes of time that you spend out of your life directing positive thoughts or actions toward another human being can really bring big smiles and shine light onto hearts that would otherwise be dark. And as I got back in the car to run down to the bank- I thanked my lucky stars to have survived a brain tumor and 2 surgeries. I thanked God for everything- Including music and the Ballard High School Band!