Monday, May 21, 2007

Another Bummer Weekend.

It's 1AM. I haven't been able to fall asleep yet. UGH.
It's because, yet again, I've had to spend pretty much all weekend in bed.
They still haven't figured out what is wrong with my side- and why it ACHES ever so!
I'm frustrated, and sad- and just praying a lot about everything. I really wanted to go to church today, but I was so sore this morning, that I just took some meds and went back to bed. I was proud of myself, though- at least I made myself get up and make something to eat- instead of just passing out from low blood sugar! ! Well- it's good to eat while taking anti-biotics, so I guess it was double good.

My friend Ryan has just been a dear- he helped me do my laundry- so that when I get my rear out of bed in the morning, I won't have to stress about work clothes. I've got a CT scan tomorrow, and thankfully- Handsome says he'll work late, and pick me up after my appointment- Which is good- since I HATE how I feel after they pump me full of icky fluid- Last time I had to do it- I criiied. The doc was really nice- and gentle. It was just so uncomfortable!!!

I managed to have a little bit of energy on one of the weeknights, and I'm doing good at cleaning and getting clothes ready to be donated and/or sold in a yard sale! I'd like to do a yard sale for Mem. Day weekend, that sounds like a plan to me! I'm getting my place ready for my Handsome to move in again! I love him so much! yay!

In other sad news, Kimmy the bunny has died. It was sad, I remember when my bunny died when I was little- I bet the kids were really torn up. Handsome spent the weekend with the kids, and hopefully that helped comfort them. I also suggested that he rent- "Charlotte's Web" since I think it has a good message about life and death that is fairly kid friendly...

Well- it's official. Blogging does kinda make me feel better! And I think the vicodin is starting to kick in. I wish there was a way to feel better without feeling so SLEEPY!!! ACK! I hope my doc doesn't think I'm a druggie or something! The pain is real- and all I really need is half of a tablet to fall asleep! But MAN- yesterday and today- I took THREE during the day. Pain stinks!!!
I'm hopeful they'll decide to cut my bad guts out tomorrow! It's just so frustrating having this PAIN and not knowing what's WRONG!!!

Maybe tomorrow I'll have an idea after the CT scan.

Thanks Ryan- for taking me to the park, and helping me with the laundry! yay! I wasn't a TOTAL waste this weekend!

Ok- time to try for sleep.
Goodnight Seattle!


Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Oooh, that doesn't sound fun at all. Hope you feel better soon and can get some rest.

Lindsay said...

Hey Thank you! Cool! I have a blog friend now!